Change the Season of your Closet

With the official arrival of fall and the cooler days becoming the new norm, it's the perfect time to transition your closet for the season. At Chaos to Order, we highly recommend conducting a biannual closet edit to keep your wardrobe organized and functional. This process involves more than simply glancing around and deciding to keep everything. It's about carefully evaluating each clothing item in your closet.

To effectively organize your closet for the season, follow these steps:

Evaluate Each Item: Pick up each piece of clothing, one by one, and ask yourself questions like:

  • "Do I wear this regularly?"

  • "When was the last time I wore this?"

  • "Will I wear it during this season?"

Categorize: Sort your clothing into different piles based on your evaluation. Create categories like "keep," "donate," "give to…," and "seasonal."

Weed Out Unwanted Items: For the "donate" and "repair" categories, set aside the clothes you no longer need or those that require fixing. These can be donated to a charity or taken for repairs.

Seasonal Rotation: Since it's fall, move your spring and summer clothing to the back of the closet or to a different storage space. Bring your fall and winter clothing to the forefront for easy access.

Organize by Frequency: As you return items to your closet, arrange them based on how frequently you wear them. Place your most-used clothing at eye level for easy access. Infrequently worn items can be stored higher or lower, depending on your preference.

Consider Storage Solutions: Utilize closet storage solutions like bins, shelves, or hangers to keep things organized and easily accessible. Hanging shoe organizers, shelf dividers, and storage boxes can be very helpful.

Remove Clutter: Clear out items that don't belong in your closet. This includes non-clothing items that may have found their way in over time.

Maintenance: Regularly revisit your closet throughout the season to ensure it remains organized. If you notice items that you still haven't worn, consider moving them to the "donate" or "repair" category.

Professional Help: If you need expert assistance, don't hesitate to request an appointment with our professional organizers. They can help whip your closet into shape and provide additional tips for maintaining order.

By following these steps, you'll have a well-organized closet ready for the fall season, making it easier to find and enjoy your clothing while maintaining a clutter-free and efficient space.


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