The Holidays Are Coming!

It’s that time of the year, let’s make sure you’re ready for the holiday’s (they sneak up quickly). Here are the main things you need to organize before the festivities begin:

Organize your calendar and schedule:

The digital calendar on your smartphone is the best option. Set reminder alerts (even by location) and stay on top of all the details. Plan out schedules and festivities for all family members.


Get your house in tip top shape now, holiday chaos creates more clutter. Guests visiting and holiday gatherings are good motivation to get started on those projects NOW.

Plan menus and grocery lists:

Clear out the freezer. Cook off what has been stored to make way for the incoming. Inventory baking supplies, bake ahead and freeze. Organizing the kitchen area well will help you step into the upcoming season more smoothly.

Create a holiday budget:

Who’s on your gift list? Are you sending cards? Traveling? Plan now for the financial demands of the holiday season.

By taking these steps, you can make sure you're fully prepared which will help reduce holiday stress so you can better enjoy the most wonderful time of the year.


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